Fish soup with coconut

Combine unusual ingredients to the tradition can give pleasant surprises. In this case the addition of coconut milk and lemon grass, make this fish soup, fresh and creamy!

Ingredients for 4 people:
lemon grass
2 of n.pomodori fresh
60 ml coconut milk
520 g fish fillets (saint peter, mullet, yellowtail, cod, sea bass, red snapper)
4 of n. shrimp
8 of n. small squid or squid
4 of n. basil leaves
extra virgin olive oil
chili pepper

what to cook tonight, fish soup, fish soup, fish soup recipe, fish and coconut, coconut fish, shellfish coconut, lemon grass, fish soup, what I cook for dinner, what to cook tonight

Blanch the tomatoes for 10-12 seconds and cool in ice water, peel them and cut them into small pieces.

In 4 cast iron enameled pans, saute the sliced garlic, add the tomatoes, chili, lemon grass and little salt. Cook for a few minutes and add the coconut milk.

Combine all the fillets of fish, then the squid or calamari and finally the shrimp.

Cook with the lid for a few minutes. Complete with a little olive oil and basil.

Crema di zucca con gorgonzola

Un po’ fuori stagione, ma oggi in negozio tra le varie verdure ho trovato una zucca e l’ho comprata.
Ho fatto questa crema facile facile e sono rimasto soddisfatto.

Ingredienti per 4 persone:
1 kg zucca
1 cipolla
olio extravergine
120 g gorgonzola
crostini di pane

Dividere la zucca a meta’ e svuotarla dai semi e dai filamenti. Pelarla e tagliarla a pezzetti.

Tritare la cipolla e farla rosolare in una pentola con un po’ di olio extravergine; aggiungere la zucca e dopo alcuni minuti aggiungere del brodo vegetale o dell’acqua. Lasciare bollire a fuoco lento fino a quando la zucca non sara’ tenera, quindi frullare con un frullatore ad immersione e aggiustare di sale.

Servire la crema in 4 piatti con i crostini, alcune fettine di gorgonzola, un filo d’olio e una macinata di pepe.

Pappa al Pomodoro Recipe

I hope that the Tuscans do not get angry with me, but today I made Pappa al Pomodoro Recipe a little my way.

Ingredienti for 4 people:
200 g of Tuscan bread (3 or 4 days before at most)
2 cloves of garlic
4 ripe but firm tomatoes
60 ml of extra virgin olive oil
10 leaves of fresh basil
Cervia salt

Immerse the tomatoes in boiling water for 12/15 seconds, then cool them in iced water; peel them and remove the seeds, keeping their water after filtering it.
Cut the bread into small pieces and sauté in a pan with the garlic, peeled and cut into strips and 40 ml of oil, taking care not to burn the bread or the garlic
Remove from the heat, add the water from the tomatoes and leave to rest for about twenty minutes.
Add the chopped tomatoes and put on the heat for about 10/15 minutes, add salt and if the pasta is too dry add a little water.
Serve hot or cold adding the basil, the remaining oil and a little ground pepper at the moment.

Mullet with Fresh Tomato sauce and basil

Mullet is one of the most tasty fish and has an unmistakable taste.
They are very well combined with fresh tomatoes.
When you find fresh mullets at the market, I suggest you try this recipe: Mullet with Fresh Tomato sauce and basil

n. 12 red mullets

1 / 2 onion

150 g fresh tomato sauce

100 g cherry tomatoes

50 ml  white wine vinegar

fish stock

5-6  pistils saffron

Extra virgin olive oil


Clean the mullets, remove the scales, remove gills and entrails, then rinse them in cold water

In a pan brown the chopped onion with a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil, sprinkle with the vinegar, add the tomato sauce, a little fish stock, saffron and finally add salt. Add the mullets, cover with a lid.  shaking gently the pan occasionally.  If necessary add more fish stock and finally the cherry tomatoes cutted in half. Complete with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and some basil leaves.

Crema di sedano con bottarga di tonno

Oggi vi propongo una semplice crema di sedano con una “sfettolata” di buona bottarga.

Iniziamo col rosolare il sedano sfibrato (circa 500g bastera’ per 4-5 persone), in casseruola con poco olio; uniamo una piccola patate pelata tagliata a pezzetti. Copriamo d’acqua e lasciamo cuocere per 20-25 minuti. Frulliamo e passare al colino.

Tagliamo a cubi una costa di sedano, anche questa eliminando prima i filamenti; li sbollentiamo poi li saltiamo in padella con un filo di olio.


Servire la crema calda nelle fondine, mettere al centro i tocchetti di sedano ed  adagiarvi la bottarga tagliata finemente e guarnire con un ciuffo di prezzemolo e un filo dolio extravergine. Accompagnare con lamelle di pane tostato.