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(Italiano) Crema d’Avocado, Cocco e Popcorn – Chef Giovanni Baroncelli
This is the time to cook the lentils. Here is a simple recipe, good and healthy.
Ingredients for 4 people:
400 g of dried lentils
1 carrot
1 celery
1/2 onion
1 clove garlic
extra virgin olive oil
500 g fresh squid
Put the lentils to soak in cold water for half an hour (you could even avoid, but with soaking it facilitates the absorption of iron and minerals).
In a saucepan, sauté with a little of olive oil, a clove of garlic, celery , carrots and onion all finely chopped.
Add the lentils, cover of hot water, add a bay leaf and a little salt.
Let simmer until the lentils are cooked, … if necessary, add water.
Clean fresh squid, removing eyes, beak and cartilaginous part (the hardest).
Cut into julienne and pass for a minute in a pan with a little oil, salt.
Serve the soup, add the squid in the middle and finish with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil and a little chopped parsley.
Cuocere le lenticchie, come cuocere le lenticchie, cottura dei legumi, zuppa di legumi
This is one of the recipes proposed in September by me and my staff (Terrace Bartolini), at the Show Cooking in the Magazzini del Sale in Cervia.
At the public present he loved it. The recipe is simple … so why do not you try it?
Ingredients for 4 people :
750 g potatoes
100 g leek
1.5 g Turmeric
1300 g water
10 g salt
50 g coconut milk
for 100 g of soup 1 g of lecithin
Peel the potatoes, wash, cut in half, then sliced.
Clean the leeks, keeping aside a little part green (as you will need to garnish by the end) finely chop all the other and make it dry in a small pan with a little olive oil.
In a pan, put the potatoes with a little extra virgin olive oil and brown them low continually mixing fire up when you begin to make a colored crust.
Add the water, the porrotti stews and salt.
Slowly cooked.
Clean the mussels removing the beard and washing them rubbing each other and changing the water several times.
Put them in a pan with a trickle of water, cover with a lid and open them on the fire.
Drain, discard the shell.
Blend the bread crumbs and fry for a few seconds in hot oil and drain it in a steel colander, place it over a paper towel and salt lightly.
Fill the mussels with fried bread crumbs and place them on a baking sheet.
Wash the celery and cut into small pieces of 2 cm in length, then blanch in salted water.
With a hand blender, blend the cream of potatoes, add the coconut milk and turmeric
Combine the soy lecithin and also continue blending trying to incorporate air to the cream, which will become due lecithin beautiful soft and fluffy.
Dip the mussels in the oven at 210ºC for 2 minutes and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
Divide the cream into 4 bowls.
Arrange on cream 6 pieces of celery for each dish and placing on top of each piece a mussel.
Complete with raw porrotto cut into thin strips.
Serve hot!
Matteo Casadio
550 g tomato petals
100 g ice
100 g green peppers
80 g cucumber
20 g vinegar
6 g sugar
5 g salt
You will get about 500 g of juice
Add 7.5 g of agar agar
Bring to 90˚C
Spread in a tray with edges at right angles.
Cool down.
Cut into cubes.
A great recipe for healthy eating and to prepare ourself for the cold nights ahead: Cabbage, Potato, and Black Garbanzo Bean Soup!
Ingredients for 4 people:
500 g cabbage
500 g potatoes
200 g black garbanzo bean
1/2 onion
extra virgin olive oil
4 slices whole wheat bread
First, put the black garbanzo bean in a large bowl with cold water and bicarbonate (3 g per liter) and leave for at least 12 hours. Rinse and put them in a pot with water and cook slowly until they are tender.
In another pot , put the thinly sliced onion and brown it with a little oil.
Add the cabbage and celery cut into small pieces and then dried for a few minutes on medium-low heat .
Add vegetable broth or water , black garbanzo bean, and peeled potatoes cut into cubes and salt.
Bring to a boil , adding more broth or water if necessary : it will not be too tight , since then the bread will absorb the liquid.
Adjust salt.
In a pan put a little olive oil and toast on both sides 4 slices of bread.
Place a slice of bread in the center of each bowl and pour a nice ladle of soup. Complete with olive oil , and freshly ground black pepper.
Chi l’avrebbe mai detto che a fine maggio una zuppa di legumi e cereali sarebbe stata cosí azzeccata?
Stavo aspettando che arrivasse un po’ di sole per preparare una bella insalatina fredda utilizzando la Zuppa della Luna, un mix di legumi e cereali di Melandri Gaudenzio, invece con questo freddo ho preferito fare una Zuppa di legumi e cereali calda.
La Zuppa della Luna è un mix biologico d’orzo, fagioli borlotti, fagioli cannellini, fagioli azuki rossi, fagioli azuki verdi, lenticchie rosse decorticate, piselli verdi spezzati e lenticchie verdi.
Ingredienti per 4/6 persone
500 g Zuppa della luna
150 g pancetta fresca (facoltativo)
2 spicchi d’aglio
olio extravergine
Lavare legumi e cereali in acqua corrente. Metterli in un tegame, (meglio in coccio, sconsigliato d’alluminio) con acqua fredda e portare a bollore, poi cuocere lentamente per un’ora, (in pentola a pressione 25 minuti circa).
A parte rosolare in olio extravergine l’aglio, aggiungere la pancetta tagliata a julienne, poi la salvia e il rosmarino.
Aggiungere il soffritto alla zuppa, correggere con sale.
Versare nelle fondine e completare con un filo d’olio crudo.