Sogliola e nocciola

Abbiamo un nuovo ingrediente da utilizzare per valorizzare alcune ricette: Nocciolio del Monferrato, un olio di nocciole spremute  freddo, di gran qualità.  Insieme a Gregorio Grippo, chef della Buca di Cesenatico, abbiamo creato questo piatto, e tanti altri sono in fase di perfezionamento!


Ingredienti per 4 persone:

500 g di sogliole nostrane grosse
8 pomodori piccadilly
4 patate novelle
40 g basilico
15 g nocciole pressate tostate (nocciocialda)
Bietola rossa
Olio nocciolo tostato

Squamare le sogliole, poi eliminare le interiora, lavarle e sfilettarle, ottenendo 4 filetti da ogni sogliola. Condire i filetti con l’olio di nocciole arrotolarli su se stessi e fermarli con uno spiedo. Sbollentare per 15 secondi i pomodorini piccadilly e raffreddarli in acqua e ghiaccio. Pelarli mantenendoli interi. Sbollentare anche il basilico per 20 secondi e raffreddarlo in acqua e ghiaccio. Frullarlo con 10 g di nocciole un po’ d’acqua di cottura e olio di nocciole, ottenendo un’emulsione. Mettere la salsa ottenuta in un biberon da cucina. Fare un piccolo foro nei pomodorini e svuotarli dai semi e riempirli con la salsa basilico. Lessare le patate e ricavarne dei cubi e passarli in padella con un po d’olio d’oliva e rosolare tutti i lati. Cuocere gli involtini di sogliola alla griglia e sfilarli dallo spiedo. Impiattare disponendo sui piatti le patate, i pomodorini e gli involtini di sogliola. Guarnire con salsa di basilico, le restanti nocciole sbriciolate, le foglie di bietola rossa e l’olio di nocciolo.

involtini sogliole

Mullet with mushrooms, pumpkin and formaggio di fossa

Today Sauro Silvagni sent me one of his beautiful recipe!
With just a few ingredients, but of high quality has created a great dish, … main element: the mullet!
Sauro is since few years one of the protagonists in the kitchen of the Locanda Salinari in Cervia, together with the chef-owner Gianni Berti.
A Sauro like to cook and photograph, then saw the passions we have in common, for sure soon there will be other recipes published on!

Meanwhile, try this: Mullet with mushrooms, pumpkin and formaggio di fossa .

triglia porciniIngredients for 4 people
8 Mullets
180 g fresh porcini
60 g formaggio di fossa
100 g fresh cream
160 g boiled pumpkin
60 g boiled potatoes
40 g butter
extra virgin olive oil

Flake, clean, and fillet _ the mullets
Boil the cream and _, remove from heat, add the grated formaggio di fossa and filter.
Prepare the mashed pumpkin passing together with potato and pumpkin. Put the pulp obtained in a saucepan with the butter, mix well and season with salt and pepper.
Open the mullet and stuff with the mushrooms, previously sautéed in a pan with olive oil, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper.
Cook in the oven for three minutes with a little oil.
In the dishes placing the fondue , a quenelle of mashed pumpkin and ultimately the mullet.

Tubes with squids

This dish is proof that shows that often the simplest things are the most tasty.
It is a typical dish of the Amalfi Coast, more precisely of Positano.

tubetti ai totani

Ingredients for 4 people:
320 g of tubes of Gragnano
500 g fresh squids (caught by my fishermen friends in Praiano)
a clove of garlic
extra virgin olive oil
10 Vesuvian ripe tomatoes

Clean the squid and cut into cubes.
In a pan fry the garlic with the olive oil, then add the squid and cover with a lid.
After a few minutes add the tomatoes . Cook until the squid are tender; crush the tomatoes.
In the meantime cook the tubes in salted water, drain al dente and add to the sauce.
Finish cooking in the pan. Add a little ‘oil and chopped parsley.


Amico pescatore appena rientrato dalla pesca.


Parmesan Risotto with pumpkin sauce, toasted hazelnuts, anchovies and sorrel

The pleasure of traveling to see new places, to learn about cultures, but especially to meet people and share moments and emotions and to create new friendships.

Today’s recipe comes from a friend whom I met in Basilicata, Giusy Ramunno a Yacht Chef, wife of Rocco Sisto, a captain … indeed the Captain!

Giusy offers us this interesting recipe: Parmesan Risotto with pumpkin sauce, toasted hazelnuts, anchovies and sorrel.

risotto parmigiano


320 g Carnaroli rice
50 g butter
60 g parmesan cheese
boiling vegetable stock
150 grams of red pumpkin
6 salted anchovies
30 g of roasted hazelnuts
extra virgin olive oil q.b.

Toast the rice in a saucepan , pour the previously prepared vegetable broth a little at a time, salt and cook slowly.
While the rice is cooking, cut the pumpkin into cubes and cook with low heat in a pan with a little olive oil, a pinch of salt, and half a cup of water. When it is cooked, transfer it into the mixer to obtain a thick sauce .
Pan fry the anchovies with a small amount of olive oil until they are crispy. Cut into small pieces.
Remove from heat and stir in the rice with butter and Parmesan cheese .  Plate the rice.
Create a spiral on top of the rice with the pumpkin sauce , lay the pieces of fried anchovies and toasted hazelnuts within the design , add 3 or 4 leaves of sorrel and finally a drizzle of olive oil .

A spectacular recipe … we just have to try it!

Giusy Thanks ! A hug to you, Rocco, and Francesco !

Mini fishburger

Today our friend, chef Bartolomeo Ruggiero, sent us this recipe:

Mini fish burger with  Guacamole on bun with Cervia’s salt.


1 bonito from about 1 kg
zest of 1 lemon
pink pepper 50g
80g salt from Cervia
extra virgin olive oil 100g
Thread bonito, taking care not to let thorns, then cut the fillets into small cubes and marinate for about 2 hours with the lemon zest, pink pepper, salt and oil
Chop the pulp finely with a knife and share them into 12 parts of the same weight. With a cup round pasta give a form of about 6/7 cm in diameter and 1 cm height.

Bun with Cervia’s salt
500 g flour “00”
200 g of milk
125 g of butter
12 g of yeast
40 g of sugar
20 g of salt from Cervia
2 eggs
Melt sugar and yeast in the milk. Mix the flour with the butter cream and milk, add the eggs and knead for about 10 minutes, add salt towards the end.
Let rise for 2 hours, then form 12 sandwiches. Brush with egg yolk, put on a few grains of Cervia salt. Let stand 10 minutes then bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 10 min.

Cook on grill or frying pan burgers. Cut in 2 parts the sandwiches. Garnish with guacamole,  burger and another guacamole, and finish with the top of the sandwich. Serve the burgers with fries or a small pinzimonio .

Thanks again to the chef Bartolomeo Ruggiero for collaboration with pescenudo!

Cefalo, porri, nocciole

Un’altra ricetta con il cefalo, pesce che a mio avviso dovrebbe essere più considerato, vista la bontà delle sue carni, ed è presente in abbondanza in tutti i mari, quindi anche economico rispetto a tante altre varietà.Cefalo porro noccioleIngredienti per 4 persone:
4 cefali da 350 g l’uno
4 porri
25 g nocciole sgusciate
olio extravergine d’oliva
aceto balsamico di Modena igp Giusti
maggiorana fresca
 Pulire i cefali, poi sfilettarli ed eliminare tutte le piccole spine rimanenti con una pinzetta. Appoggiare i filetti di cefalo in un vassoio e condirli con olio extravergine, lamelle d’aglio e maggiorana. Pulire i porri eliminando il primo strato; utilizzare la parte bianca più tenera tagliandoli a losanga per ottenere almeno 16 trancetti della lunghezza di 5/6 cm. Disporli in padella con un po’ d’olio, salare e farli rosolare delicatamente, poi aggiungere  un po’ di acqua o meglio brodo vegetale per completare la cottura. In una padella antiaderente calda, cuocere i filetti di cefalo. Basteranno pochi minuti per ambo i lati. Salare. Disporre i porri in 4 piatti; cospargere le nocciole schiacciate grossolanamente e adagiare soprai filetti di cefalo. Completare con qualche goccia nel piatto di aceto balsamico di Modena igp Giusti.