Vegan figs tart

Ornella, Lorenzo’s sister (Pappafico Cervia) surprised us once again with this beautiful figs tart, so we asked her all the secrets how to prepare it.

This recipe is perfect for that gluttons, even for vegans, since the pastry is made without butter and no eggs.

crostata vegan

We start from figs:
Wash the figs and remove the maximum possible amount of skin, to avoid that releases the flavor of grass.
Cut the figs into pieces, put them in a pan, cover with sugar, (1/5 of the weight of the fruit), add half a vanilla bean and a few drops of lemon.
Cook for about 30 minutes.
For the pastry vegan: mix flour, a little bit of sugar, baking powder with oil Corn, sweet white wine or fruit juice.
Let stand, then roll out with a rolling pin.
Obtain the round base for covering the pan and the strips to be used later.
Cover the base of the tart with a uniform layer of fig jam and form a grid on the surface with strips of pastry. Enter some almonds on the jam.
Bake the tart in a preheated oven at 170 ° C for about 20 minutes. Let cool and unmold.

May be you are interested in this article: Butter and substitutes
Ornella Thanks for this super vegan tart !!!

Pastiera napoletana

Pastiera, or Pastiera napoletana, is the most popolar cake of the Campania region. Today we offer a slightly modified version of the presentation, but the recipe is the original !

pastieraFor the pastry:
1 kg flour
400g sugar
400g softened butter
10 g salt
5 eggs
Mix all ingredients very quickly and leave the pastry in the refrigerator.

To cook the wheat :
1 kg raw hulled wheat
1 l water
A spoon of butter
Boil until the wheat is not opened. Close the pan and allow to dry. The next day, add 1.5 liters of milk, then boil.

For the filling:
900 g sieved ricotta
400 g sugar
1 kg cooked wheat
12 eggs
Grated lemon
Orange water
Candied pumpkin and orange
If the dough is hard to add a little bit of milk
Optional 1/2 kg custard.

Taking a part of pastry and line the bottom of a mold. Pour the filling into the pan. Pull the other pastry and cut the strips with the appropriate pastry cutter and create a grid on the pastiera. Brush it with an egg. Bake at 180 ° C for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Allow to cool.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar, slice and serve.

Recipe created by Chef Gregory Grippo at La Buca (one Michelin star) Cesenatico.

Thanks Greg!

Alex Vitali’s Chocolate cake

Today, a sweet treat prepared by Alex Vitali !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the Chocolate Pie Crust  :
280 g flour
30 g cocoa powder
150 g sugar
150g butter
1 egg
a pinch of salt

Let the butter soften, sift the flour, then add all the ingredients and knead quickly until the dough is smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour. With the help of a rolling pin pastry, roll out to a thickness of about 1/2 cm. Form various discs of pastry rings which then must be inserted in the oven during cooking, perforated discs of dough with a fork and bake at 185 ° C for 15-18 min. Cook the remaining pastry cuttings which then will be used to form the central disk of cake. Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely the disks without removing the rings.

200 g chocolat short crust
100 g hazelnuts
80 g butter
50 g of dark chocolate
10 g icing sugar

Blend the nuts coarsely and set aside. Melt chocolate in a bain marie, combine the melted butter in a food processor with short crust, icing sugar and melted chocolate, add the hazelnuts and work for a few seconds. Spread the mixture on the discs of pastry cooked creating a thickness of 1/2 cm and bake at 190 degrees for 5 minutes, turning out and allow to cool, always leaving the circles.

225 g fresh cream
100 g dark chocolate
40 g milk chocolate
salt a pinch
Boil the cream and salt.
Melt the chocolate in water bath and leave to cool slowly mix the chocolate with cream. Allow to cool slightly and pour inside the circles to form the last layer.
Leave in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
Turn out the pies and lightly dust with cocoa.
The chocolate cake can be garnished with candied orange, or black cherries, …..

Pera Abate Colorata

Con questa ricetta il Blog Pesce Nudo ha VINTO  il contest organizzato dal Consorzio della pera IGP dell’Emilia-Romagna.

pere colorate
Ingredienti per 4 persone:
4 Pere Abate
200 ml vino Borgo Eliceo Merlot
320 g zucchero
50 g sciroppo alla menta Fabbri
una stecca di cannella da circa un grammo
100 ml aceto balsamico Giusti
300 ml acqua

Pelare le pere; tagliarle a rondelle di 2 cm circa.
Preparare 4 sciroppi ai diversi aromi e colori, utilizzando un piccolo tegame per ogni sciroppo.
Nel primo tegame mettere 80 g di zucchero con 150 ml d’acqua e la cannella.
Nel secondo mettere 80 g di zucchero con l’aceto balsamico e 50 ml d’acqua.
Nel terzo mettere 80 g di zucchero con il vino.
Nel quarto mettere 80 g di zucchero con 100 ml di acqua e lo sciroppo di menta.
Portare a bollore e fare evaporare i liquidi fino a quando gli sciroppi inizieranno a prendere un po’ di consistenza, quindi spegnerli e immergervi le rondelle di pera in modo che i colori, ricomponendo la pera rimangano alternati.
Lasciare le pere nello sciroppo per circa 30 minuti, poi appoggiarle delicatamente su una griglia per farle sgocciolare.
Riportare gli sciroppi sul fuoco per pochi minuti, giusto il tempo per addensarli. Lasciarli raffreddare completamente.
Ricomporre le pere nella forma originale e disporle in 4 piatti.

Decorare a fantasia con gli sciroppi colorati.

Pound Cake

Pound cake is a dessert known in northern Europe and the United States. It has ancient origins and how all the recipes have been modified. The recipe is similar to that of the plum cake.
The original recipe for pound cake is the one who gave him the name. A pound of all the ingredients!

pound cake

Ingredients for two molds 30 cm. (1 pound = 453.59237 grams)
1 pound butter
1 pound sugar
1 pound eggs
1 pound of wheat flour 0 Molino Chiavazza
20 g baking powder
120 g raisins (optional)

Whisk butter and sugar. Add the eggs, one by one . Incorporate the flour sifted with the baking powder. Fill the molds and bake at 170 degrees for about 60 minutes. If we wanted to add raisins after it passes incorporate in flour, so we avoid doing to find all it in the bottom.

Ice cream

This video explains how to prepare the base for a great ice cream.


350 g fresh milk

150 ml fresh cream

120 g sugar

6 yolks

Pour the milk and cream in a saucepan and bring to a boil.

In a bowl mix the egg yolks with sugar.

Pour over the milk and cream.

Return to the heat and bring to 84ºC and immediately stop cooking by soaking the saucepan in a container with water and ice.

Let it cool completely and filter.

Pour the ice cream base in the ice cream maker and start it.

Leave to work until the ice cream is creamy.

If you want to buy an ice cream maker we have used this.