Vegan Mayonnaise

Do you want to prepare a cold vegan sauce?  Here’s how to get a basic mayonnaise without egg.

When we make a classic mayonnaise lecithin contained in egg allows to have a stable emulsion. In this case the sauce alloy for the lecithin contained in soy milk.

30 g of soy milk
260 Soybean Oil
180 water
2,5 g of spices to flavor fantasy
1 g salt
0.7 xanthan (optional)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and blend.

Pagnotta di Pasqua

La Pasqua si avvicina, così ho pensato di giocare d’anticipo e vi pubblico la ricetta della Pagnotta di Pasqua. Questa è un’altra ricetta di Gregorio Grippo, chef del ristorante La Buca (Stella Michelin) di Cesenatico.
La pagnotta pasquale è un dolce tipico della tradizione Romagna, più precisamente della zona di Sarsina, nelle colline dell’entroterra cesenate.
Era abitudine iniziare a mangiarla la mattina di Pasqua con l’uovo benedetto e si continuava anche i giorni successivi.
La Pagnotta era un mangiare dei poveri e per questo si prepara con prodotti semplici.
Dopo le chiacchere ecco la ricetta.

Pagnotta di Pasqua di Sarsina
1,5 kg farina 00
200 g zucchero
200 g uova
625 ml acqua a 25˚C
200 g burro temperatura ambiente
20 g lievito di birra
aroma arancia
uvetta qb
Impastare e lasciare lievitare a 30˚C per 12 ore
Formare delle pagnotte da 300 g e lasciare lievitare altre 4/5 ore
Cuocere a 190˚C per 30 minuti.

Grazie Grippo, ci vediamo presto!

Raw zucchini spaghetti, pumpkin seed pesto, cherry tomatoes and goji

Spaghetti, yes, but made with zucchini! Fresh, tasty, healthy and easy to make!

spaghetti di verdura


Ingredients for 4 people:

4 zucchini clear fresh and boiled
20 cherry tomatoes
50 g pumpkin seeds
20 basil leaves
20 g goji berries
extra virgin olive oil
flax seeds

First, prepare the pesto. Blend first pumpkin seeds. In a cold blender container , put the basil (keep aside 4 bunches for garnish) and cover with cold extra virgin olive oil . Add the pumpkin seeds and blend . Season with salt.

Take the zucchini, wash and with the special sharpener create spaghetti zucchini. Put them in a large bowl. Add the cherry tomatoes, washed and cut in half, the goji berries and season with salt and extra virgin olive oil

Divide the Zucchini spaghetti on 4 plates zucchini. Pour the pesto pumpkin seeds. Sprinkle flax seeds previously crushed in a mortar.

Complete with a few leaves of basil.

I use this:

Choccolate soufflè

One of the classic French dessert is the souffle. Souffles can be salty or sweet: vanilla, orange, chocolate ….

It is a simple recipe to make, but as with all cakes recipes assembled, which should be puffy and light, you have to be very careful in dealing with sensitive and delicate all the ingredients.

Souffle al cioccolato

Ingredients for 7/8 molds – 7/8 cm in diameter base:

190 g whole milk

35 g strong flour

35 g butter

100 g sugar

68 g about yolk 3

112 g about 5 egg whites

135 g Chocolate 70%

3 g salt

Flour the inside of the molds through a thin layer of butter, then by joining the flour.

In a container, mix the flour with the softened butter and salt.

In a saucepan, boil the milk with 75 g of sugar.

Add the stick of butter and flour and stir with a whisk, then add chopped chocolate into small pieces and finally the egg yolks.

Allow to cool slightly and gently add the egg whites with 25 g of sugar.

Pour the mixture into molds, filling them to the brim.

Bake at 190º C.

For the molds with a diameter of 7 cm cooking will be 17 minutes, for those of 8, 18 minutes.

Serve immediately with whipped cream or custard.

Tiramisu with pasteurized eggs

Here’s another video: Tiramisu: how to make a tiramisu with pasteurized eggs, more soft and light whipped at the time, thanks with siphon.

Very easy to make and secure because we use as a base a custard, so we avoid any salmonella contamination, as the yolks are pasteurized.

For a siphon liter:
500 g Mascarpone
300 g Custard
1 N2o whipper cream charger
In a bowl process the mascarpone with a whisk, mix with the custard and strain through a chinois.
Pour the mixture into the siphon, loaded with nitrogen and shake well.
Store in refrigerator at + 2 ° C.
Shake the siphon and remove the mascarpone mousse at the time.
Alternate mascarpone mousse, sponge cake, coffee as you can see in the video.