Mussels with potato soup, leek, turmeric and coconut milk

This is one of the recipes proposed in September by me and my staff (Terrace Bartolini), at the Show Cooking in the Magazzini del Sale in Cervia.

At the public present he loved it. The recipe is simple … so why do not you try it?

Mussels with cream of potato, leek, turmeric and coconut milk

Mussels with cream of potato, leek, turmeric and coconut milk

Ingredients for 4 people :

750 g potatoes
100 g leek
1.5 g Turmeric
1300 g water
10 g salt
50 g coconut milk

for 100 g of soup 1 g of lecithin

Peel the potatoes, wash, cut in half, then sliced.
Clean the leeks, keeping aside a little part green (as you will need to garnish by the end) finely chop all the other and make it dry in a small pan with a little olive oil.
In a pan, put the potatoes with a little extra virgin olive oil and brown them low continually mixing fire up when you begin to make a colored crust.
Add the water, the porrotti stews and salt.
Slowly cooked.
Clean the mussels removing the beard and washing them rubbing each other and changing the water several times.
Put them in a pan with a trickle of water, cover with a lid and open them on the fire.
Drain, discard the shell.
Blend the bread crumbs and fry for a few seconds in hot oil and drain it in a steel colander, place it over a paper towel and salt lightly.
Fill the mussels with fried bread crumbs and place them on a baking sheet.
Wash the celery and cut into small pieces of 2 cm in length, then blanch in salted water.
With a hand blender, blend the cream of potatoes, add the coconut milk and turmeric
Combine the soy lecithin and also continue blending trying to incorporate air to the cream, which will become due lecithin beautiful soft and fluffy.

Dip the mussels in the oven at 210ºC for 2 minutes and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
Divide the cream into 4 bowls.
Arrange on cream 6 pieces of celery for each dish and placing on top of each piece a mussel.
Complete with raw porrotto cut into thin strips.
Serve hot!

Matteo Casadio

Pagnotta di Pasqua

La Pasqua si avvicina, così ho pensato di giocare d’anticipo e vi pubblico la ricetta della Pagnotta di Pasqua. Questa è un’altra ricetta di Gregorio Grippo, chef del ristorante La Buca (Stella Michelin) di Cesenatico.
La pagnotta pasquale è un dolce tipico della tradizione Romagna, più precisamente della zona di Sarsina, nelle colline dell’entroterra cesenate.
Era abitudine iniziare a mangiarla la mattina di Pasqua con l’uovo benedetto e si continuava anche i giorni successivi.
La Pagnotta era un mangiare dei poveri e per questo si prepara con prodotti semplici.
Dopo le chiacchere ecco la ricetta.

Pagnotta di Pasqua di Sarsina
1,5 kg farina 00
200 g zucchero
200 g uova
625 ml acqua a 25˚C
200 g burro temperatura ambiente
20 g lievito di birra
aroma arancia
uvetta qb
Impastare e lasciare lievitare a 30˚C per 12 ore
Formare delle pagnotte da 300 g e lasciare lievitare altre 4/5 ore
Cuocere a 190˚C per 30 minuti.

Grazie Grippo, ci vediamo presto!