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(Italiano) Risotto Tricolore
Sesta puntata de “Le Americanate”. Banana e Avocado. Buona visione
This is the time to cook the lentils. Here is a simple recipe, good and healthy.
Ingredients for 4 people:
400 g of dried lentils
1 carrot
1 celery
1/2 onion
1 clove garlic
extra virgin olive oil
500 g fresh squid
Put the lentils to soak in cold water for half an hour (you could even avoid, but with soaking it facilitates the absorption of iron and minerals).
In a saucepan, sauté with a little of olive oil, a clove of garlic, celery , carrots and onion all finely chopped.
Add the lentils, cover of hot water, add a bay leaf and a little salt.
Let simmer until the lentils are cooked, … if necessary, add water.
Clean fresh squid, removing eyes, beak and cartilaginous part (the hardest).
Cut into julienne and pass for a minute in a pan with a little oil, salt.
Serve the soup, add the squid in the middle and finish with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil and a little chopped parsley.
Cuocere le lenticchie, come cuocere le lenticchie, cottura dei legumi, zuppa di legumi
Sourdough with fruit
100 g ripe fruit puree
200 g flour
50 g water
Mix all ingredients
Place the dough in a container containing a quantity of water at least 4 times the weight of the dough and the temperature between 20 and 24ºC ia.
Let rise for 48 hours at 26 / 28ºC.
The dough should come to the surface.
(If this had not happened you have to repeat the operation)
Mix with an equal weight of flour and 40% water.
Continue until you yeast has reached the right maturity.
From this moment on, you have to start making refreshments.
For refreshments so-called “carry”, where the yeast is kept alive, you add 50% of water on adding flour.
For the preparation of yeast dough, instead, is added to equal weight + 10% flour and 50% water on the weight of the yeast.
For 1 kg of yeast: + 1100 g flour + 500 g water.
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