Caesar salad

The Caesar salad is probably the most famous in the world salad. In the United States, there is no restaurant that does not offer it. It is named after chef Caesar Cardini, an immigrant from Italy to California. It seems that for an event especially had to improvise with the ingredients they had available and so was born the caesar salad.

caesar salad

Ingredients for 4 people
1 head romaine lettuce big
2 cloves of garlic, peeled
3 anchovies (are important, but even vegetarians can do without)
1 lemon squeezed
60 g extra virgin olive oil
50 g freshly grated Parmesan cheese
30 g parmesan flakes
Freshly ground black pepper
handful of toasted bread

Wash the lettuce and cut crosswise into thin slices. Cut a clove of garlic in half and rub the inside of a salad bowl wood. Add the salad.
Put the garlic cloves were in a food processor with the anchovies. Blend until you have a puree. Add the lemon juice, and olive oil and blend again. Add the cheese and black pepper and mix. Taste and season with salt.
Pour over salad croutons Roman dress with the sauce, and finish with grated parmesan and freshly ground pepper.
There are several versions of caesar salad: you can add capers, chicken breast, gray … this is only the starting point and then everyone can customize to taste.

Insalata Nizzarda

Ingredienti per 4 persone:
2 grosse patate lessate
120 g di fagiolini lessati
100 g tonno bianco alalunga sott’olio
8 acciughe
4 uova sode
1/2 peperone
1/2 cipolla di Tropea tagliata a julienne
4 pomodori tagliati a spicchi

Salade niçoise, nizzarda in italiano, e’ un piatto che ha origine nel sud della Francia (Costa Azzurra, Nizza).
Un piatto sano e completo che ognuno può personalizzare scegliendo la qualità e la varietà dei prodotti e sbizzarrirsi nella presentazione.

Usare tonno sott’olio e acciughe di qualità renderà questa ricetta ancora più gustosa.

Per questo motivo, oggi ho provato alcuni prodotti: le acciughe Olasagasti e il tonno bianco alalunga sott’olio del Mar Cantabrico Orlando.



Seitan con verdure

Il Seitan e’ ottenuto dal glutine del grano o di altri cereali come il farro o il kamut. E’ ricco di proteine e quindi ottimo per una dieta vegetariana.

Ingredienti per 4 persone:
480 g di seitan
2 carote
2 coste di sedano
2 zucchine
100 g di piselli
olio extravergine d’oliva
origano fresco

Pelare le carote, lavare le zucchine e il sedano e tagliare tutto a piccoli rombi. Sbollentare tutte le verdure e saltarle in una padella antiaderente con poco olio extravergine salare e pepare e in ultimo aggiungere l’origano.
Tagliare il seitan in 16 fettine da 30 g l’una e passarle in padella antiaderente con un po’ d’olio. Mettere le prime 8 fette di seitan in 4 piatti, coprire con le verdure saltate e coprire con le restanti 8 fettine di seitan.


Crema di zucca con gorgonzola

Un po’ fuori stagione, ma oggi in negozio tra le varie verdure ho trovato una zucca e l’ho comprata.
Ho fatto questa crema facile facile e sono rimasto soddisfatto.

Ingredienti per 4 persone:
1 kg zucca
1 cipolla
olio extravergine
120 g gorgonzola
crostini di pane

Dividere la zucca a meta’ e svuotarla dai semi e dai filamenti. Pelarla e tagliarla a pezzetti.

Tritare la cipolla e farla rosolare in una pentola con un po’ di olio extravergine; aggiungere la zucca e dopo alcuni minuti aggiungere del brodo vegetale o dell’acqua. Lasciare bollire a fuoco lento fino a quando la zucca non sara’ tenera, quindi frullare con un frullatore ad immersione e aggiustare di sale.

Servire la crema in 4 piatti con i crostini, alcune fettine di gorgonzola, un filo d’olio e una macinata di pepe.

Arancini di riso

Arancini are a typical Sicilian recipe. You can find them filled with many different ingredients. They can be stuffed with ragu, with mozzarella and peas … these are the most classic, but each can be customized to suit one’s taste.

Ingredients for 4 people:
400 g original rice
20 g butter
80 g parmesan
2 egg yolks
1/2 saffron sachet
1 whole egg
50 g flour
100 g breadcrumbs
16 anchovies (optional)
100 g mozzarella
100 g tomato sauce
After washing the rice several times, put it in a pan covering it with cold water, a little salt and saffron (the water must exceed the rice level of 1.5 cm). Put on the flame with the flame at the most, then as soon as the water starts to boil, cover and cook for 15 minutes on low heat without removing the lid. Season with butter and Parmesan, add the two egg yolks and leave to cool as quickly as possible. Form 16 balls, make a large hole with a finger in each and fill them all with the mozzarella cut into cubes and the chopped anchovies. Flour them, pass them in the beaten egg, then in the breadcrumbs. Fry in plenty of oil, drain and serve with the arancini of rice with tomato sauce.

Pappa al Pomodoro Recipe

I hope that the Tuscans do not get angry with me, but today I made Pappa al Pomodoro Recipe a little my way.

Ingredienti for 4 people:
200 g of Tuscan bread (3 or 4 days before at most)
2 cloves of garlic
4 ripe but firm tomatoes
60 ml of extra virgin olive oil
10 leaves of fresh basil
Cervia salt

Immerse the tomatoes in boiling water for 12/15 seconds, then cool them in iced water; peel them and remove the seeds, keeping their water after filtering it.
Cut the bread into small pieces and sauté in a pan with the garlic, peeled and cut into strips and 40 ml of oil, taking care not to burn the bread or the garlic
Remove from the heat, add the water from the tomatoes and leave to rest for about twenty minutes.
Add the chopped tomatoes and put on the heat for about 10/15 minutes, add salt and if the pasta is too dry add a little water.
Serve hot or cold adding the basil, the remaining oil and a little ground pepper at the moment.