Calamari, Calamaretti, Borsotti, Totani

I molluschi si dividono in 3 categorie: Bivalvi, Cefalopodi, Gasteropodi.

Tra i bivalvi abbiamo: cozze, vongole, fasolari, ostriche, tartufi, telline, cannolicchi….

I gasteropodi sono ad esempio le lumachine di mare

In questo video Salvatore Campo spiega le differenze tra alcuni dei più comuni molluschi cefalopodi:

calamari, calamaretti, borsotti (o fischioni) e totani.

calamari calamaretti totani

Alla prossima!

Carpaccio d’Orata & Gazpacho

carpaccio orataIn this video, is being prepared a carpaccio that combines Japanese cutting techniques , with ingredients and flavours that remind Spain and Central America.

Ingredients for 4 people:
1 sea bream (not farmed) from 700/800 g check technique to prepare raw fish
green pepper
fresh onion
tender leaves of celery
small leaves of basil
extra virgin olive oil
pepper cherry tomatoes
gazpacho jelly

Enjoy the show!

How to filet a turbot (video)

In this video, Alex Vitali will show you, step by step, how to fillet a Brill.

The same technique is also used for other kinds of flat fishes such as turbot and sole.

sfilettare un rombo

Have you seen the video “How to fillet a Brill”, (same thing if it were a turbot or a sole), now we show it again step by step.

  • After cleaning Brill and eliminated its gills, wash well it under cold water;
  • place the soaso on a cutting board with the part of dark skin upwards;
  • with a sharp knife to cut around the perimeter of the Brill;


  • practice a central incision from head to tail;

sfilettare-una sogliola-2

  • continue the cut from the center towards the outside keeping the knife in contact with the fish bone;


  • repeat the same operation for both fillets


  • rotate the brim and make a cut around the entire perimeter, like the other side


  • even on this side from start from the center and going to the outside;


  • as well get fillet;


  • at this point you will find 4 fillets perfectly intact and without bones


If this guide has served to you, help us to grow!


Salmon and red fruits

This is a colorful recipe from a friend: Elisa Giannini.
The look is very inviting, taste fresh, different and interesting … a dish to try!

Ingredients for 4 people:
480 g of fresh salmon fillet
Seasoning for salmon:
5 g karkadé powder
5 g sugar (a teaspoon)
1/2 lime
4 pink pepper chopped
extra virgin olive oil
For the sauce:
50 g of strawberries
10 ml of balsamic vinegar
8 pink pepper berries
extra virgin olive oil
For the garnish:
a basket of fresh currants
fresh thyme
extra virgin olive oil
15 g honey

After barbed and eliminated the skin of salmon, wrap well with plastic wrap and bring it down for at least 48 hours at a temperature of at least -18˚ C.
Defrost the salmon in the refrigerator.
Cut into cubes not too small.
Wash and dry the strawberries, remove stem and blend them with the balsamic vinegar and pink pepper berries; salt and filtered. Store in refrigerator.
Wash and shell the currants. Season with honey, a little oil and fresh thyme. Store in refrigerator.
Mix together the ingredients for the dressing of the salmon to obtain an emulsion. Season the salmon tartare and divide into 8 cylindrical molds. Arrange the tartare on 4 plates (2 per person).
Garnish the surface with red currants, like in the picture.
Strain the sauce to the coffins of salmon.
Complete with a few drops of oil.

Thank you again Elisa for having proposed this recipe … We are waiting for more recipes !!!

Baccalà tiepido in crema e verdure croccante

Today a recipe of my friend Giovanni Baroncelli, chef of the nice restaurant Salsedine of  Lido di Savio (Ravenna) .

Codfish in warm cream with crunchy vegetables and tomato fillet Mediterranean.

Baccalà tiepido

desalted cod
lavender oil
fresh oregano
yellow pepper
vegetables as desired
flower caper
fresh mint
Put the vacuum slice saved cod, seasoned with olive oil, lavender, oregano and pepper. Cook at low temperature until it reaches 50 ° C at the core with the probe. When cooked, reduce the temperature by immersing the bag cod vacuum, water and ice.
With the scraps of a cod fish cod do with adding a little yellow pepper and roasted potato, boiled, peeled and little.
Blanch the vegetables to taste with salt and sugar in water for one minute and cool.
Blanch the tomatoes for 11-12 seconds, peel, remove seeds and cut to create a fillet tomato classic.
Just before serving, regenerate all the ingredients.
To assemble the dish from the bottom of cod fish, add the fillet of cod, then fillet tomato over, then the flowers of capers, olives and vegetables.
Complete with lavender oil and fresh mint leaves. Dish served warm.

We thank Giovnni Baroncelli, chef at Ristorante Salsedine – Lido di Savio-Ravenna

Sogliola e nocciola

Abbiamo un nuovo ingrediente da utilizzare per valorizzare alcune ricette: Nocciolio del Monferrato, un olio di nocciole spremute  freddo, di gran qualità.  Insieme a Gregorio Grippo, chef della Buca di Cesenatico, abbiamo creato questo piatto, e tanti altri sono in fase di perfezionamento!


Ingredienti per 4 persone:

500 g di sogliole nostrane grosse
8 pomodori piccadilly
4 patate novelle
40 g basilico
15 g nocciole pressate tostate (nocciocialda)
Bietola rossa
Olio nocciolo tostato

Squamare le sogliole, poi eliminare le interiora, lavarle e sfilettarle, ottenendo 4 filetti da ogni sogliola. Condire i filetti con l’olio di nocciole arrotolarli su se stessi e fermarli con uno spiedo. Sbollentare per 15 secondi i pomodorini piccadilly e raffreddarli in acqua e ghiaccio. Pelarli mantenendoli interi. Sbollentare anche il basilico per 20 secondi e raffreddarlo in acqua e ghiaccio. Frullarlo con 10 g di nocciole un po’ d’acqua di cottura e olio di nocciole, ottenendo un’emulsione. Mettere la salsa ottenuta in un biberon da cucina. Fare un piccolo foro nei pomodorini e svuotarli dai semi e riempirli con la salsa basilico. Lessare le patate e ricavarne dei cubi e passarli in padella con un po d’olio d’oliva e rosolare tutti i lati. Cuocere gli involtini di sogliola alla griglia e sfilarli dallo spiedo. Impiattare disponendo sui piatti le patate, i pomodorini e gli involtini di sogliola. Guarnire con salsa di basilico, le restanti nocciole sbriciolate, le foglie di bietola rossa e l’olio di nocciolo.

involtini sogliole