How to Make Puffed Pasta

The puffed pasta can be a snack as an aperitif with friends, but with a little fantasy it can become a gourmet snack.

How to Make Puffed Pasta

How to Make Puffed Pasta

A simple recipe, as long as you follow some important devices.
Let’s start from the ingredients:
better short pasta such as “mezze maniche”
oil for frying
First, cook the pasta in plenty of water. It will overcook, at least twice the normal cooking time, so it is best to use a large pot and not boil too much water to prevent the pasta from breaking.
Gently drain the pasta with a ramina.
At this point it is useful to a dryer. (I use a Biosec dryer).

Alternatively you can use the oven.
Arrange pasta in the grids and put in the dryer or in the oven, allow to dry for at least 24 hours at 45ºC, turning the dough so it dries evenly.
Put oil in a saucepan and bring it to 190 / 195ºC and dip a little pasta at a time. In a few seconds will be blown, then drain it and put it in a tray with paper towels.
The dried paste can also be stored for long if thoroughly dried and can be made to blow only when you want to use.
In this video you can see when the pasta is blown.

In this video you can see when the pasta is blown.

At this point, you can add salt, season with spices and serve, or you can stuff it however you want.

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Canned fish and seafood products


Thanks to Nostromo, Pescenudo had the fantastic opportunity to participate in a conference held at the Expo Conference Center, where there was a discussion of the role of fish in the Mediterranean diet.

With Professor Alessandra Bordoni, from the University of Bologna, we discussed and clarified the importance of fish in our diet, and in particular, preserved fish products.

Fish is one of the foods representative of the Mediterranean Diet. It is able to be made into food substances with high nutritional value such as proteins, omega 3, in particular, B vitamins and several minerals.

Despite these properties, currently in Italy we eat less than a third of the amount of fish recommended (100-150 g, 2-3 times per week).

This lack is mainly due to the availability, ease of storage and cost of the fish. The issue could be solved in part by the inclusion of preserved fish products in people’s diet and habits  (especially oily fish) such as anchovies, mackerel and tuna.

Fish preserved in oil is contributing almost the same macronutrients of fresh fish  to our body.

Here are different myths surrounding canned preserved fish products:

it is believed that in order to maintain the integrity of the fish for a length of time, preservatives need to be added.  In reality, a simple heat treatment, oil and salt is all that is needed to ensure the optimal conservation of the product.

it is thought that these products contain too much salt and too much fat (it is always preferable to choose  “natural” products rather than those preserved in oil). For example a can of tuna drained from 52 g of net product, contains the amount of salt equal to a 50 g piece of bread or 100 g of mozzarella. Regarding the fat content, we can compare our can to a 100 g slice of beef fillet or an egg.

As for mercury concerns, even those at risk (women planning pregnancy, pregnant women and nursing infants) may choose to consume up to 340 g per week of canned tuna without causing any problem.

We can therefore say that fish products stored cans are a good alternative to fresh fish in terms of price, convenience, taste and nutrients.

Obviously pescenudo, a blog that favors authentic and natural products, prefers fresh fish, but also understands the difficulties and problems that this great gift of nature can bring.  For this reason we feel compelled to at least consider and even recommend canned fish products.

Soon everyone may be able to prepare healthy and nutritious lunches, especially if following !!!

Alex Vitali for

Strozzapreti agli strigoli

Questo è un ottimo periodo per utilizzare gli stridoli. In questa ricetta li utilizziamo per fare un sugo per condire gli strozzapreti.

Ingredienti per 4 persone:
480 g di strozzapreti freschi
200 g di strigoli
uno spicchio d’aglio
50 g olio extravergine
300 g passata classica di pomodoro biologica “CiaoBio”
Eliminare i gambi più duri degli stridoli. Tagliare l’aglio a lamelle, metterlo in una padella con poco olio e rosolarlo. Aggiungere gli stridoli e cuocerli per alcuni minuti. Aggiungere la passata di pomodoro. Aggiustare di sale.
Cuocere gli strozzapreti in acqua bollente salata, scolarli e e saltarli in padella con la salsa. Aggiungere un mestolino d’acqua di cottura e un po’ d’olio extravergine.

Pane in Pentola

After some tests and tips of Gregory Grippo Chef at La Buca restaurant  in Cesenatico, here is the result of the bread baked in the clay pot Bionatural. I used this beautiful pot!
pane in pentola pane pentola

I have tried to simplify as much as possible in order to realize this type of bread in all ovens, even those that are not professional.


500 g flour 260 w (I used Garofalo 260 w)

310 ml water (the amount may be different with other types of flours)

4 g brewers yeast

8 g salt

flax seeds (optional)

Put the flour in the planetary. Dissolve the yeast in the water and slowly pour in the flour. Allow to run 7 minutes on speed 2. Add the salt _and the flax seeds pounded in a mortar_ _ . Let the dough rise for 12 hours by covering it with a cloth. Give the shape of the loaf and let rise another 2 hours. Turn the oven temperature to 230 ° C with the pot empty inside. Put the dough into the pan, cover and cook for 30 minutes. Remove the lid and cook for another 20-25 minutes, lowering the temperature to 200 ° C. Remove from oven and cool the bread on a rack in a cool, dry place.

Continuerò a sperimentare le cotture in questa pentola di creta, sia per il pane che per altre ricette, quindi: Continuate a seguire!

Strozzapreti Senza Glutine al Pesto di Semi di Zucca

The number of people intolerant to gluten is increasing each year about 20%. These Strozzapreti Farabella are produced with corn flour, rice flour and cornstarch, then suitable for celiacs.
pesto di semi di zucca

Ingredients for 4 people:
320 g strozzapeti gluten Farabella
100 g pumpkin seeds Melandri Gaudenzio
32 beautiful basil leaves
a clove of garlic (optional)
extra virgin olive oil
40 g parmesan cheese

Prepare the pesto as in recipes Cod to Pestacchio, (use pumpkin seeds instead of pistachios); Homemade with monkfish, green beans, potatoes and pesto (use pumpkin seeds instead of pine nuts). The garlic is optional and if you decide to use it should be peeled and crushed in a mortar or blended well with the other ingredients. Add the parmesan pesto. Cook the pasta in boiling water (at least 3 liters per 500 g of pasta) salt (5 g of salt per liter). After 6 minutes of cooking, turn off the heat and let it finish cooking by covering the pan. Drain the pasta and dress with the pesto.