Spaghetti di farro, Asparagi e Tarassaco

On the occasion of the Earth’s World Day, here is a super healthy recipe: Spelt spaghetti Asparagus and Dandelion.  Use only the tender leaves of dandelion, that will be a little less bitter.

spaghetti tarassaco

Ingredients for 4 people:

360 g spelt paghetti Secoli d’Amore – Gusto per Amore
16 green asparagus
2 scallions
20 tender leaves of dandelion
extra virgin olive oil Secoli d’Amore – Gusto per Amore

Peel the asparagus and wash. Cut about 3-4 cm of the tip, then the first part of the stem in slices, and all the soft part remaining pieces. Saute shallot with a little olive oil, add the pieces of the final part of the asparagus. Add a ladle of water, a pinch of salt and cook. Combine also dandelion leaves, washed well and boil for a minute. Blend _ _, add a few drops of oil and adjust salt. In a a pan, saute the shallots _, always with a tablespoon of oil. Add the asparagus into slices and cook for a few minutes. In boiling salted water, cook the asparagus tips, drain, then cook the spaghetti . Drain them al dente and place in a pan with little more than half of the asparagus e dandelion cream . In 4 dinner plates lay the remaining cream. Serve the spaghetti and garnish with asparagus tips. Respect Our Planet !!!

giornata della terra