A plate of raw food as it is, without adding anything, no salt, no oil, no pepper, no soy!
The finger lime is a citrus fruit that grows in the wetlands of Australia. You can find some distributors of quality food. Someone also called it vegetable caviar, for the shape of its fruit. It can be found in different colors. The taste and sour and goes well with many other ingredients!
Ingredients for 4 people:
16 homegrown fresh prawns
n 2 finger lime
Remove the head of the shrimp, peel and making a slight incision in the back, remove the intestines.
Keep tails for garnish.
Cut the shrimp into small pieces and arrange them neatly on 4 plates.
Gently pull the balls of finger lime and sprinkle over the shrimp. Garnish with the shrimp tails.
In fact, do not add anything … !
Raw and eaten!